Saturday, April 25, 2009

Surprisingly, today actually IS Saturday

One of the worst things about unemployment (besides the whole "no income" thing) is that I am completely losing track of the days.  You see, my life consists only of Saturdays, since I never have to worry about waking up at a specific time the next morning.    But nonetheless, I have been realizing lately that I need a calendar.  I didn't need one when I was working because I was always ACUTELY aware of what day of the week it was (more specifically, how close I was to Friday).  Well, it's like the end of April and I still don't have a calendar, because I had my eye on one online months ago that I LOVED, but I was like,  "No way am I spending $35 on that, I could totally make it."  So, I finally made it!  

This is the original (duh)

This is my version (totally copied, or as the lady at my favorite scrapbook store would say, it's "scraplifted."  Anyway, I made mine on 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 white cardstock, and all of the designs are cut out of colored and patterned paper and glued with spray-mount.

Not bad, eh? 

In other news, my good friend Russell, who works for Disneyland but has been gone the last 8 months at Army training camp, is now back at the park and can get me and up to 2 friends into the park for free on weekdays.  Any takers???


Hillary said...

The calendar looks so good! I love how you still made Jan-april, even though they are over!

emily said...