Saturday, April 25, 2009

Surprisingly, today actually IS Saturday

One of the worst things about unemployment (besides the whole "no income" thing) is that I am completely losing track of the days.  You see, my life consists only of Saturdays, since I never have to worry about waking up at a specific time the next morning.    But nonetheless, I have been realizing lately that I need a calendar.  I didn't need one when I was working because I was always ACUTELY aware of what day of the week it was (more specifically, how close I was to Friday).  Well, it's like the end of April and I still don't have a calendar, because I had my eye on one online months ago that I LOVED, but I was like,  "No way am I spending $35 on that, I could totally make it."  So, I finally made it!  

This is the original (duh)

This is my version (totally copied, or as the lady at my favorite scrapbook store would say, it's "scraplifted."  Anyway, I made mine on 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 white cardstock, and all of the designs are cut out of colored and patterned paper and glued with spray-mount.

Not bad, eh? 

In other news, my good friend Russell, who works for Disneyland but has been gone the last 8 months at Army training camp, is now back at the park and can get me and up to 2 friends into the park for free on weekdays.  Any takers???

Friday, April 3, 2009

This last month has been full of the MOST change I have ever experienced in my young life.  
I think of my life consisting of three main components, and everything else is a detail.  Those three pillars are: home, love and work.  I've felt in the last few months that I can't have all three in happy unison. If my love life is great, something will be wrong with my living situation or my job.  As you all know, I hate my job and have been having a REALLY tough time finding a good (really, even just ok) living situation in Los Angeles.  So, my job was going ok (no worse than normal) and I was FINALLY moving out of my awful living situation with the roommate who decided to stop paying his bills (and ended up owing me almost $2000. Now he owes me about $600).  I was moving into a super cute studio  and everything seemed to be heading towards peace and balance in my life, then OF COURSE.. because heaven forbid I get 3 out of 3... on March 20 my boss freaking lays me off!  I really shouldn't be surprised- it just goes with  my theory that I haven't yet earned the right to have a great boyfriend, a peaceful living situation and a decent job.

Anyway, I'm not that angry, just frustrated.  I hated my job and am very glad of spirit to be free of it, but of course I got no severance and now I am facing the... no less than daunting task of finding a new job.  I have fairly low standards, I just need to make almost as much as what I was making before (which wasn't much, so it won't be too hard to find) but everyone knows that there are very, very few jobs available right now.  

My only solace comes from the fact that my boss has already recognized how utterly STUPID it was to lay off his ONLY sales/marketing person when he has no work for production (yet kept the entire production staff) and he has a warehouse full of merchandise that is now not selling.  I guess the silver lining is that I don't have to work for such an intelligently inferior person anymore.

So my life now consists of a LOT of time and effort applying for jobs, and almost instantly getting an email telling me "thanks for your application but we are looking for more experience" or whatever kind of BS that companies are saying.  Ugh.  So I have started broadening my search even more.  I am looking into becoming a leasing consultant for an apartment building either in West LA or in Downtown, those jobs make about what I made before hourly, plus commission.

Other than that, my apartment is fantastic and cute and cozy and Bret and I are better than ever.  If I had to have 2 out of 3, at least I have my own space and an amazing boyfriend.  Now I just need to find some source of income.

In other news, I did something I NEVER thought I would do and embraced my inner democrat and applied for unemployment today.  To show how shitty my job was, on government assistance I will be making 60% of what I was making before.  So insulting.

And that's about it for now.