Monday, August 31, 2009
My First Ultrasound!
I've been having weird irregular heartbeats lately, and even though it's nothing too serious, it's definitely unusual and my doctor told me to get my little heart checked out! So I went to see a cardiologist this morning and got some tests done. They tested for the most serious conditions, all of which I passed with no signs of anything abnormal. First, I got the ultrasound done, and got to lay on the bed and see my heart beating as I felt it beating! It was really, really cool. The technician said that I had a "beautiful heart" :)
After my ultrasound I sat down and talked with the doctor for a bit, then he decided he wanted to see what my heart looked like when the beat is elevated (since the problems I've been having have been mostly dealing with random increases in my heart rate, like it will start beating like I just ran a marathon for no reason!). So, I got hooked up to a dozen electrodes, (which, mind you... they stick directly to your skin AFTER they rub your skin with sandpaper and let me tell you, it stings like a bitch!!!!) and was then told to run on a treadmill. To just add to the ridiculousness, I had to take my shirt off, so I'm running in my bra and a little paper vest thing, with wires all over my chest and stomach and a monitor around my waist, a blood pressure thingy around my arm, and in my dress pants and work shoes! I had to run for 8 min, which was about a mile. The whole time I'm running the doctor is asking me questions and I'm huffing and puffing and beeping and then every minute it took my blood pressure, making my right arm useless, as I'm running... in my bra with wires everywhere... let me tell you, it was pretty funny! Especially since the cardiologist is an older brother of one of my really good friends from high school! I definitely felt like that Russian boxer (Ivan Drago!!) from Rocky IV. I wonder if anyone who reads this will get that reference. Anyway, so it was pretty funny, but after I was done running/ panting/ sweating and put my clothes back on, I talked to the doc some more and he said for now, he doesn't see anything wrong.
The next step is to get hooked up to a heart monitor and wear it for 24 hours so they can hopefully capture one of these episodes when my heart kicks itself into high gear. I asked to not do it today but this weekend instead, since a sure way to trigger these episodes is for me to have a few drinks, and I try not to make it a habit to booze on weeknights! So I will have more answers next week!
I really wanted to ask for a print out of my heart ultrasound, but didn't know if that would be tooooo awkward and weird. I also asked the tech what the sex was, but she said she couldn't tell at this time (haha). I think I may ask for a print out later, and put it on my fridge... because isn't that what everyone does after an ultrasound? I will even make a little frame that says something like "Mommy Loves Me" or "I Am Beautiful." :)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
It was bound to happen eventually...
All in all, I'm obviously super upset that this happened but at least I'm ok. I'm not hurt AT ALL. Not even a buise. I am a little teeny bit sore, but I think it's from the fact that I was shaking for 2 hours straight after this all happened.
In other news, Transformers 2 made over $60 million yesterday, so everyone at work is rejoicing.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
All I've been doing lately is watching movies
Sunday, May 17, 2009
A Haiku about week 1
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Approaching 3 out of 3??? Let's hope I didn't just jinx myself!!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Surprisingly, today actually IS Saturday

Friday, April 3, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Inspirational Design! is one of my all-time favorite blogs. I was introduced to it when I started working at my company, because the site has featured our products several times (like here and here if you are interested). Basically, it's a blog that features inspirational design, DIYs, good use of color, etc. They also focus a lot on space-saving solutions, which is obviously a concern for most apartment dwellers. Anyway, so I am making a BIG move in the next few weeks. I am going from a condo, where I fully furnished and filled my bedroom, living room and kitchen with stuff. I am moving into a one-room studio, and if it’s 250 square feet I will be surprised. The studio is very nice, newly remodeled and in a good area, and I am just relishing the idea of living alone. But, besides being small, there is hardly any storage room! I have no access to a garage, or even a deep closet (like I have now) so I am trying to be extremely strict with myself in downsizing my possessions. The idea of surrounding myself with ONLY the things that I cherish and truly love is so appealing to me, but proving to be difficult! So, today I turned to for some inspiration.
This studio in Santa Monica is bigger than my place is going to be (if you can even imagine that!) but the woman that lives there did a truly WONDERFUL job with not only space planning, but with her use of color and minimizing her stuff. Nothing there looks cluttered or overwhelmed. I can only hope that I will be able to minimize like that! Not surprisingly- it's the top rated house tour on the whole website (and they feature one a day!)
This house in Austin, though not similar to my situation in terms of space, is my DREAM color scheme. I LOVE the white/green/orange/yellow that she used. Love love love. I also love how she took the pattered material from the table by the window and then has 2 picture frames framing the same material across the room. It is a great use of repetition- but I don’t think I could ever do it. I have so many pictures that I would rather hang- and I don’t want to cover every single inch of the wall!
So, I hope I will be able to get to this level someday. Until then, I am ruthlessly categorizing my stuff into 5 categories: KEEP, SELL, DONATE, STORE IN PARENT’S ATTIC and GIVE TO FRIENDS.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
My fun Saturday Night :(
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Yeah!!! Internet is back!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
I don’t have internet, I might as well diiieeee
So I haven’t blogged in forever because the internet at my apartment mysteriously turned off. Luckily my iPhone has kept me updated with my email, Perez Hilton and all the other blogs I read- I just couldn’t update my own blog. I called Time Warner like 10 times, and FINALLY got through after being on hold for hours it seemed. Anyway, so it turns out that our modem decided to self-destruct. The good news is though, that Time Warner is sending a repairman on Thursday and we will get credited for the time we didn’t have service!! The bad news- I have to wait till Thursday! Until then I will have to sneak in blog posts at work... shhh!
Anyway, so I have lots of updates.
I went to SLO last weekend, and had a blast as always! That town is my Happy Place. I went because Bret was in Berkeley visiting his brother (my birthday present to him!). I got to see some of my favorite people (Jessica, Marsha, Brian, Katie S, Big Red & Billy at McClintocks, Ali, Kayla, Mike, Lauren, Katie R, Monica, Phil, Alex, Brett, etc this list goes on and on!!) but it only made me miss them MORE when I left! I stayed with Ali and Kayla and it was Kayla’s birthday so we threw her a party Friday night, which of course featured the VIP wine bag that I brought (long story, but those kids LOVE boxed wine!) and lots of beer pong. On Saturday I met up with some girls that live in the new housing complex on campus (Poly Canyon Village) and I was totally jelly that they didn’t have that nice of housing when I lived on campus!! Then I went to lunch with Mike at the Shack (mmmm chicken fingers!) and topped the night off at my favorite place on earth, McClintocks. Katie and I went to visit two of our favorite people, Big Red and Billy. Needless to say we got pretty sauced. Billy supplied us with Dunbars, Strawberry Lemon Drops, Pomatinis and White Gummi Bears. We also had a “shot for the road” but of course I don’t remember what it was because all these drinks we had in like 2 hours! Then Katie and I went to Buffalo (our favorite bar in downtown slo) and drank water for 3 hours waiting for Big Red and Billy to meet us downtown. We met some random dudes in the meantime, but they were suuuuch losers. Like, such the stereotypical SLO d-bag who hangs out at bars to meet girls. Anyway, Buffalo got so crowded that we called it a night around midnight (We started at McC’s at 6, so it was still a long night). Sunday was a bit quieter, started off with breakfast with Marsha at Linnea’s, then lunch with Monica and a quick visit to Brian and Chris’s. All in all, an amazing, yet exhausting weekend!!
Last week wasn’t nearly as great as my weekend. Basically, work sucked. Like, more than normal, if that’s possible!! But I will leave that at that. Oh, one thing to mention. Thursday was like the worst day EVER. Really, top 5 worst days. I texted Bret asking him if we could hang out that night because I was really having a hell of a day and needed to relax and cuddle. Literally, I was close to tears of frustration and misery half the day. At about 2pm, the lowest hour of the day (boss yelling, scowling, insulting, etc) a delivery man came and brought flowers for me!! Bret sent me flowers at work (miniature roses in lavender, white, whisper pink and coral!)!! I don’t know HOW he did it, but literally, they couldn’t have come at a better time. I was so happy and it truly made me realize how much work DOESN’T matter in the grand scheme of things. Thank God for amazing people like Bret J
Towards the end of last week I started to get sick, and I’m surprised I even made it to 5:00 on Friday. I don’t get sick often so when I do I am a HUGE baby and have a really low tolerance for pain and discomfort. I really just shut down until I am better (but, I usually get better in 2 days so it’s all a wash). After work on Friday I went home, and literally slept from 6pm till 8am Saturday morning. 14 hours!! I don’t think I’ve ever done that in my life! I went over to Bret’s Saturday morning to make him breakfast (scrambled eggs and peanut butter toast!) and then when he went to basketball I treated myself to a trip to the scrapbook store, followed by a few hours of scrapbooking my parent’s ski trips (I have to finish this week, their anniversary is on the 19th!). For Valentine’s Day Bret took me to one of my FAVORITE restaurants, called 26 Beach in Venice. I also got to wear my brand new super cute dark purple dress from Banana!! We had to wait over an HOUR for our reservation, but they had heat lamps outside and it was worth it. They make the most amaaaazing chicken parmisian there, and I was sure to only eat 1/3 of it (don’t worry, it was huge) so I can enjoy it for lunch today and tomorrow!! I wasn’t feeling well so I was a total V-Day dud and had Bret take me home after dinner, and I was asleep by 9pm (I even skipped dessert!!!).
Sunday (yesterday) was a lazy day, I got up early again and went to Bret’s for breakfast and some Sunday Morning Tivo (The Office and 30 Rock) before I went home and climbed in bed for a day of healing. I watched Amelie (AMAZING MOVIE! I’ve seen it before but the 2nd time was even better!) and Closer, which was a truly depressing movie, I wouldn’t recommend it! It was basically about two couples who cheat on each other with each other and no one ends up happy. But, Natalie Portman was in it and she was EXCELLENT. She’s up there with Kate Winslett as my favorite actresses.
So that’s about it! This upcoming weekend Bret and I are flying to Tahoe for some winter fun! We will be gone Friday night through Monday night, and I am just antsy in my pantsy! Tahoe is getting TONS of snow right now, so the skiing should be great! Bret, David and I are also going to make a trip to Harrah’s for some blackjack (fingers crossed for a big win, though I’ll probably stick to slots!!)
Friday, February 6, 2009
10 Reasons why today is going to be a great day:
- It’s FRIDAY!
- I’m going to SLO today
- I’m leaving work at 2:30
- Driving to SLO with my good friend Matt who I am going to grill about getting a job at his company
4.5 Matt just BCC’ed me on an email where he told his boss how awesome I am!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
- I just drank cofffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
- I am going to see all my lovely little wowie babies tonight!
- Tons of beer pong domination tonight!!!
- It’s my Bret’s birthday
- I kicked ass at work this week and have already met most of my monthly quotas (my boss will never acknowledge this, of course, because he thinks I am a dumb young girl, but I know in my heart that he has no other way of explaining why sales are so good)
- When I drive through Camarillo tonight I am picking up a bunch of new clothes that my mom bought for me at the huge Banana Republic sale. YAY!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
I'm so micro-bored!
Junior moment: Flip-side of a senior moment. Can be committed by adults, with a sudden lapse into immaturity; or by youth, displaying the lack of thoughtfulness, sense or self-preservation we oldies associate with them.
Extended financial families: Several generations of the same family living in one home. Love and devotion might be the glue that keeps them together, but it's more likely to be the need for care or child minding, with the added benefit of cash savings.
Micro-boredom: What we used to call downtime, now increasingly filled by fiddling with mobiles or BlackBerrys. Those who market these devices, or the services they use, see it as an opportunity to sell us something. Potential victims of this can be recognised by their adoption of the:
BlackBerry prayer: The hunched-over, self-absorbed pose adopted by those fingering their Blackberry, or texting on their mobile. Often accompanied by facial expressions to match tenor of the message being sent.
Digi-necker: Driver who, when passing a road accident, whips out their mobile and takes a picture.
Nano-solar: Sunshine absorbers that don't need expensive, silicon-using panels, but use a thin film of solar cells that can be applied to any inorganic surface - windows, roof tiles, even metal. The predicted effect is that the cost of solar power will be reduced to a third of the cost of coal.
Energy dashboards: Control panels that monitor performance of your heat, light, and power use, in the same way a conventional one does for your car. Will be net-enabled so you can see what energy you're using, and at what cost, and come into their own when you have full device convergence, and you can talk to your appliances, and they can 'talk' back to you, and to the power source.
Negawatts: Latest word for energy efficiency, coined by the public utility commission of California. Greenies also use the term fifth fuel.
Edible estates: Phrase coined by US campaigner Fritz Haeg for digging up your lawn and growing in its place something you can eat. After all, we did it in the war, when the Dig For Victory campaign increased the land used for food production by 80 per cent. For examples, see any traditional cottage garden, or back yards in Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany - where grass is for sport or ruminants, not something to be made a fetish of.
Eco-embedded: The idea that business and government adopts eco-friendly practices that leave the consumer no choice. A ban on plastic shopping bags, for instance, or other plastic-free zones (such as a shopping centre in Balgowlah, New South Wales), carbon emission laws, or 'green' credit cards where consumers pay a little extra to offset the carbon cost of their purchase.
Geo-fencing: What you do when, via a GPS system or mobile phone, you set a physical boundary to where someone can roam. If they exceed it, you get a warning. Used by delivery companies to be notified when drivers stray off designated routes (which sounds Big Brotherish, but could also alert a firm to a hijack). There are also geo-fencing services that can track your child's mobile, sending you a message if they deviate from their usual haunts.
Cloud computing: Use of the huge capacity of corporate computers by individuals or small businesses.
Corporates have sophisticated software, and you have broadband that lets you connect with this computer 'cloud' floating above you. In other words, software will not be something you buy, but rent and access.
Telepresence: Fancy word for video conferencing. A few firms now have special rooms where life-sized images of off-site participants allow a meeting that satisfies every sense except that of touch. Not to be confused with teleporting, which only happens in sci-fi movies.
GRIN Tech: Genetic, Robotic, Information and Nano Technology. Mostly it means those breakthroughs which have yet to find a practical, cost-effective application. But, we're told, they're coming. Er, probably.
Austerity 2.0: What we're all about to experience in 2009, if those dubious think-tank predictions come to pass.
Flexenomics: Our word for the economy growing up to support the need, in times of far greater uncertainty, for people to keep their spending and consuming flexible. More of us will rent homes, white goods, TVs and entertainment systems, or lease cars. It also covers contract working, and reduction of all but essential financial commitments - which will help relieve that already established condition: debt stress.
Brickor mortis: Property market where few homes are being sold.
Upcycling: Recycling disposes of things that might (repeat, might) be reconstituted rather than left to rot; upcycling gives objects a new use. Its American advocates cite an example of chair cushions made out of old ties, which doesn't bode well. For examples of less frightening upcycling, visit The concept is popular with Imbys, who favour anything local, until, of course, it threatens their space and privacy, whereupon they become the far more familiar Nimbys.
Staycation: A vacation without the travelling. Or the expense. Or the tan.
Enoughism: The creed that holds that we over-consume, amass far too much "stuff" that only ever provides a fleeting pleasure, and ought to cry "Enough!". Experts like John Naish and Oliver James argue this incessant acquisitiveness leads to dissatisfaction that can develop into mental illness. Been around for a while, but fast gaining currency.
Unplugging: Technological wing of the above, where someone realises that the time they spend online, on the mobile, curating the Facebook page, etc, is no substitute for living. So they put themselves on a digital diet, and possibly even cultivate an interest in things without keypads. Like other people. What we all need, probably, are more islands of tranquillity, or thinking time, as it used to be known.
Instapreneur: Instant entrepreneurship, via online shops and selling services, allow anyone with something to sell - even a design or idea - to go into business right now. The online service takes a rake-off, but the instapreneur does not even have to invest the financial, or time, cost of making or buying stock. Via, you can even submit a book manuscript to and start taking orders almost immediately. There are also sites for T-shirt designers (, and much more.
Crowdfunding: Financing of ventures or projects by a number of individuals brought together, usually via the net. Disaster relief funds are a form of crowdfunding, and this old concept is now being used in new ways, especially in the US. Examples include ArtistShare, where musicians can raise cash via online micropayments (four years ago Maria Schneider became the first ArtistShare beneficiary to win a Grammy); BeerBankroll, a brewer managed by its online community (membership as low as $50); and, which allows people to submit a need or wish, with participants then voting which ones get the donated cash.
Pinkwashing: The dark art favoured by certain companies (you know who you are) of using ostentatious support for breast cancer research to promote your products or services.
Perkonomics: Small add-on benefits offered to you by firms to get or retain your business. Examples include fast-track guarantees for theme parks or car hire, and mobile network Orange giving users access to concert tickets 48 hours before they go on general sale.
And finally...
If buzzwords enrage you, then write a book about it. You will thus contribute to the rising tide of books about things that make the author angry, known, of course, as Wrath Lit. There is, it seems, a buzzword for everything.
Friday, January 30, 2009
God Bless iPods!
Aaahhhhh. :)
And I get to listen to non-NPR! (we listen to NPR on the radio all day). Trust me, I appreciate NPR but you know how it’s annoying when you listen to a radio station all day and they replay songs? Try having to listen to the same depressing news stories all day.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
On the Subject of Jobs..
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
How did they know I wanted to watch Chick Flicks???
So in the last seven months, I have barely watched TV at all. All I every get around to watching is usually Tivo-ed political commentary at Bret’s house. Well, my boyfriend and all his friends went to Vegas this last weekend (I wasn’t invited, then at the last minute I was invited, but then said no out of principle because the only reason they invited me was because someone dropped out and they wanted to keep their costs down… long story) anyway where was I... oh yeah, Bret was in Las Vegas. So, in my current friend-deprived state, I stayed home Saturday night. This is, of course, after a trip to Pinkberry, where I got a medium instead of a small because I was treating myself. Anyway so I went home and plunked down in front of my roommate’s giant flatscreen. I was expecting to have to watch the Real Housewives of Orange County marathon on Bravo, but lo and behold! Cable TV panders to single women on Saturday nights!!!! I was fully occupied from 6pm to 1am with an appetizer of A Cinderella Story, the main course being The Devil Wears Prada and the sweetest most delicious dessert of The Notebook. Mmmm so filling and satisfying.
But then I realized, oh my gosh, if I were single this would be my Saturday night every week!! In my current situation, if I didn’t have Bret I would have seen the Notebook at least 50 times by now!! So long story short, thank God for boyfriends that always spend time with you so you don’t end up eating ice cream every weekend watching sappy chickflicks for 7 hours straight!!
Lesson #2: Make more friends that don’t bartend.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Yay I love these things!!!
5 things I was doing 10 years ago...
1. Meeting my best friend Hillary in 7th grade
2. Going through my “rebellious” phase by not doing my homework and getting Bs instead of As
3. Struggling with math for the first time in pre-algebra
4. Straightening my hair a LOT
5. Thanking God that middle school wouldn’t last forever
5 things on today's "to do" list...
1. Buy a small cute chandelier for my room
2. Paint an accent wall in my living room purple (because I can!)
3. Set up a time to see Hillary
4. Put together Bret’s birthday present
5. Finish my parent’s ski scrapbook
5 Snacks I enjoy...
1. Kettle Corn
2. Fresh fruit (watermelon, pineapple, green apples, etc)
3. Ritz Bitz with peanut butter
4. most candies (I have a terrible sweet tooth!)
5. cheddar cheese and wheat thins
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
1. Buy a house and vacation homes and fill them with amazing things
2. Travel the world
3. Buy a vintage porche like the ones Steve McQueen’s girlfriends always drove
4. Completely materialistic shopping spree! All the most amazing clothes
5. Never work a day in my life again (unless it was something fun that I wanted to do)
5 places I have lived...
1. Ridgecrest, CA
2. Virginia Beach, VA
3. Camarillo, CA
4. San Luis Obispo, CA
5. Los Angeles, CA
5 jobs I've had...
1. Sales girl at Express
2. Blender’s smoothie extraordinaire
3. Cal Poly Admissions student assistant
4. ADP sales intern
5. MashStudios Marketing Manager
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A Week in Review
Survived another week of commuting.
Won Balderdash with Bret’s family
Job hunting.
Got a new roommate (Becky. Awesome.)
Bought curtains (white) and new kitchen towels (jewel tones)
Finished 2008 scrapbook
Another car accident outside my office
Finished Fall on Your Knees (sad, but excellent)
Got a new water heater (helloooo scalding hot showers!)
Indulged in protein-style In n Out
Raided Target’s clearance scrapbook stash!
Made Belgian waffles from scratch
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy 2009!!