Sunday, March 1, 2009


I tried to upload pics of my Tahoe trip, but YET AGAIN it didn't work.  So, no pics.

Long story short:  Weather on Saturday was perfect and we had an amazing day, complete with a gondola ride and cocoa on the gondola sky deck!!  It snowed like CRAZY on Sunday so we quit early and Bret and I went to Harrahs and gambled.  He lost all his money in craps and I slowly lost $20 playing slots, but it took me like 3 hours to lose so it was actually almost fun.  On Monday it was snowing again but it wasn't very cold, so we toughed it out, to be blessed with about 1 hour of beautiful sunshine.  As soon as we went in for lunch it started snowing like crazy again so we called it a day around 1pm.  It was snowing so hard we couldn't even see 30 feet in front of us.  Monday evening Bret and I flew from Reno back to LA.  Taking off, we had really bad turbulence and I almost lost my MIND.  It was SO SCARY!  But, it was fun flying into LA for the first time since I've moved here.  Now I know what everything was that we were flying over, and I even saw my apartment (literally the last building you fly over before you are over the airport- pretty nuts!).

If maybe someday figure out how to upload photos to this thing, I will show you some of the amazingly beautiful pictures.  

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