Friday, February 6, 2009

10 Reasons why today is going to be a great day:

  1. It’s FRIDAY!
  2. I’m going to SLO today
  3. I’m leaving work at 2:30
  4. Driving to SLO with my good friend Matt who I am going to grill about getting a job at his company

4.5      Matt just BCC’ed me on an email where he told his boss how awesome I am!!  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

  1. I just drank cofffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
  2. I am going to see all my lovely little wowie babies tonight!
  3. Tons of beer pong domination tonight!!!
  4. It’s my Bret’s birthday
  5. I kicked ass at work this week and have already met most of my monthly quotas (my boss will never acknowledge this, of course, because he thinks I am a dumb young girl, but I know in my heart that he has no other way of explaining why sales are so good)
  6.  When I drive through Camarillo tonight I am picking up a bunch of new clothes that my mom bought for me at the huge Banana Republic sale.  YAY!

1 comment:

Hillary said...

So fun! I'm looking forward to seeing the new clothes. Driving sounds horrid, but if you have a positive goal in mind and good company, I could see how it would be less excruciating.