Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I think it's appropriate that my last post was about my car accident.  That was 2 months ago, and was just the beginning of a string of unfortunate events that have happened to me.  I don't really want to focus on those negative things, because I am doing really well and having a good time.  I guess I should mention that Bret and I broke up, further confirming my 3-out-of-3 theory, but then I realized... if I really HAD IT ALL at the ripe age of 23... what's the point of growing old?  Aren't we supposed to grow and make mistakes and get hurt and roll around in the dirt a little?  I have a little dirt under my nails right now, but I like what it's doing for my character.

1 comment:

Brittanie said...

I love this. You are awesome; don't forget it!