Monday, December 22, 2008

My Social Calendar is sooooo full!

Tonight- Date night with Bret, which also includes some last-minute present finishing!  Also, Family comes in from Europe tonight- if they don't get snowed in at their layover in NY

Tomorrow- Gift exchange at Bret's, his brother's birthday, then me going home!

Wednesday- Christmas Eve! Which means for my family, wrapping presents and baking all day, then church then opening presents!  Oh yah and I have a haircut at 10am so Hillary and I can compare cuts on Friday!!

Thursday- Christmas Day!  Includes lazing around in my PJs, lots of fun activities with my 8-year-old cousin I'm sure, and more lazing.  Probably a movie in there too.  

Friday- Breakfast with my GIRLS in the morning (remember girls, 930am at Britt M's!!) then a possible lunch with Betsy, then more cuz time and then Bret is coming for dinner (and the Spanish Inquisition from my Aunt!!)

Saturday- super secret surprise for my Mom's Christmas present takes place at 10:30am

Sunday- Nothing planned yet... though my European Family is probably going to try to spring a trip to Disneyland/ Sea World/ CA Adventure/ Legoland on me.

Monday- Back to work, boooooooooooooo!!!!!  


Hillary said...

Yeah for haircuts! How short?

Susan said...

Just a trim :) It's already pretty short!

Brittanie said...

sounds SOOOO fun. I just cut my hair too! little bob!