Yesterday, I got into a car accident. Yes, it was super scary and I cried like a baby for 2 hours, but I am ok. My car, is not. I will find out probably either today or tomorrow if my car is fixable or completely totaled. Every time I think about it I want to start crying. Basically I was trying to turn left from one busy street to another. The light was green so I went into the middle of the intersection, waiting for traffic to clear so I could turn. The light turned yellow, then the light turned red. I saw that there were still cars coming in opposing traffic, but they werent going fast and I figured that SINCE THE LIGHT WAS RED they would stop at the crosswalk. But, as soon as I started to turn I see one of the cars NOT stopping, and of course this all happened in a second, but I slammed on the gas to get out of the way, but she hit me anyway. She hit my back passenger door with her front left bumper. Neither of us were hurt, but her lip was cut from her airbag so the paramedics came, spoke with us, and then a policeman came and took our info for us. I am SO grateful to the policeman because the woman that hit me barely spoke english, and I was in no state to deal with that. So then they determined my car wasn't driveable (since the back right rear wheel looked crooked) so they got it towed. The tow guy was the BIGGEST douche in the world and kept telling me that I should just scrap my car now because there is no way it's salvagable. He said "this car, a 2002? MAYBE it's worth $2000." So of course I looked him right in the face and said "That sure is a nice thing to tell me right now. Please be quiet. I don't appreciate your comments and truly, I don't think you are qualified to make such judgements." The policeman smiled at that. (really, you would have been shocked at how level headed I was during the whole ordeal. I called 911, took pictures of my car, introduced myself to the other driver, moved my car out of the intersection, all before the paramedics came). Anyway so they towed my car to some random shop in Hollywood, and I had to call Bret's mom to call me to pick me up. Of course coming east at 6pm from the beach to hollywood... well... let's just say there is NO WORSE traffic probably in all of LA. It took her 2 hours to get me, and in those 2 hours I sat outside a Vons and cried like a baby. I talked to my dad and my brother, who both gave me tons of tips on how to deal with this, and my mom kept texting me "honey, it's just a car. It's just a car". When I got home I called my insurance company, and now I just play the waiting game until I find out if my car will get fixed, or if I will have to start looking for a new one. Oh, and I looked up the value of my car. It's actually $6000, thanks a lot tow-guy-a-hole. (My dad told me "don't ever listen to those guys, they are all high school drop outs... classic Dad). Anyway, so Bret's mom (bless her heart) is letting me use Bret's car for the rest of the week, and this weekend my parents are going to bring me my mom's old car. It's a temporary fix, since her old Honda has like 250,000 miles and is going to die soon. But it gets me in the clear for the short term.
All in all, I'm obviously super upset that this happened but at least I'm ok. I'm not hurt AT ALL. Not even a buise. I am a little teeny bit sore, but I think it's from the fact that I was shaking for 2 hours straight after this all happened.
In other news, Transformers 2 made over $60 million yesterday, so everyone at work is rejoicing.
Expo Flowers
13 years ago