Friday, January 30, 2009
God Bless iPods!
Aaahhhhh. :)
And I get to listen to non-NPR! (we listen to NPR on the radio all day). Trust me, I appreciate NPR but you know how it’s annoying when you listen to a radio station all day and they replay songs? Try having to listen to the same depressing news stories all day.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
On the Subject of Jobs..
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
How did they know I wanted to watch Chick Flicks???
So in the last seven months, I have barely watched TV at all. All I every get around to watching is usually Tivo-ed political commentary at Bret’s house. Well, my boyfriend and all his friends went to Vegas this last weekend (I wasn’t invited, then at the last minute I was invited, but then said no out of principle because the only reason they invited me was because someone dropped out and they wanted to keep their costs down… long story) anyway where was I... oh yeah, Bret was in Las Vegas. So, in my current friend-deprived state, I stayed home Saturday night. This is, of course, after a trip to Pinkberry, where I got a medium instead of a small because I was treating myself. Anyway so I went home and plunked down in front of my roommate’s giant flatscreen. I was expecting to have to watch the Real Housewives of Orange County marathon on Bravo, but lo and behold! Cable TV panders to single women on Saturday nights!!!! I was fully occupied from 6pm to 1am with an appetizer of A Cinderella Story, the main course being The Devil Wears Prada and the sweetest most delicious dessert of The Notebook. Mmmm so filling and satisfying.
But then I realized, oh my gosh, if I were single this would be my Saturday night every week!! In my current situation, if I didn’t have Bret I would have seen the Notebook at least 50 times by now!! So long story short, thank God for boyfriends that always spend time with you so you don’t end up eating ice cream every weekend watching sappy chickflicks for 7 hours straight!!
Lesson #2: Make more friends that don’t bartend.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Yay I love these things!!!
5 things I was doing 10 years ago...
1. Meeting my best friend Hillary in 7th grade
2. Going through my “rebellious” phase by not doing my homework and getting Bs instead of As
3. Struggling with math for the first time in pre-algebra
4. Straightening my hair a LOT
5. Thanking God that middle school wouldn’t last forever
5 things on today's "to do" list...
1. Buy a small cute chandelier for my room
2. Paint an accent wall in my living room purple (because I can!)
3. Set up a time to see Hillary
4. Put together Bret’s birthday present
5. Finish my parent’s ski scrapbook
5 Snacks I enjoy...
1. Kettle Corn
2. Fresh fruit (watermelon, pineapple, green apples, etc)
3. Ritz Bitz with peanut butter
4. most candies (I have a terrible sweet tooth!)
5. cheddar cheese and wheat thins
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
1. Buy a house and vacation homes and fill them with amazing things
2. Travel the world
3. Buy a vintage porche like the ones Steve McQueen’s girlfriends always drove
4. Completely materialistic shopping spree! All the most amazing clothes
5. Never work a day in my life again (unless it was something fun that I wanted to do)
5 places I have lived...
1. Ridgecrest, CA
2. Virginia Beach, VA
3. Camarillo, CA
4. San Luis Obispo, CA
5. Los Angeles, CA
5 jobs I've had...
1. Sales girl at Express
2. Blender’s smoothie extraordinaire
3. Cal Poly Admissions student assistant
4. ADP sales intern
5. MashStudios Marketing Manager
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A Week in Review
Survived another week of commuting.
Won Balderdash with Bret’s family
Job hunting.
Got a new roommate (Becky. Awesome.)
Bought curtains (white) and new kitchen towels (jewel tones)
Finished 2008 scrapbook
Another car accident outside my office
Finished Fall on Your Knees (sad, but excellent)
Got a new water heater (helloooo scalding hot showers!)
Indulged in protein-style In n Out
Raided Target’s clearance scrapbook stash!
Made Belgian waffles from scratch
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy 2009!!